A Day for the Earth
Alas, today is Earth Day. And, as usual, I suspect Christians across the nation are wondering if it’s a day they should celebrate—or, for that matter, even acknowledge. Sadly, there are still...
View ArticleRecommended Read: “The Dark Side”
For The New Yorker, David Owen writes about the growing amount of artificial light that is muddling the boundaries between day and night. As someone who grew up in a relatively unpopulated area, I can...
View ArticleInteresting finds in a Pew survey on religion
More evangelical Christians than not believe the government should do more to protect morality in society, according to a survey by the Pew Forum on Religion in Public Life. The survey also showed a...
View ArticlePERSONAL FILE: Life, Outside the Box
Confession: I’ve never really had a firm grasp of what I wanted to do with my life. Shocking, I know, because I’m pretty sure all (or most) twenty-something college grads who randomly move to Korea...
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